Saturday 5 September 2020

The body speaks if we care to listen

I'm super dysregulated today. 

My first clue was that I was standing on my tiptoes waiting for my tai chi class to start. I actually thought I was feeling a little calmer this morning because our shower has been fixed so my morning routine is finally back to normal (see the executive function post to imagine the difficulties with figuring out how to wash yourself and start your day when your routine is not available!). But when Instructor Peggy (he's definitely part of my network of supportive Peggies!) joked about how tall I was I began to pay attention to my body and discover unease there, outed by my body's attempts to regulate itself. I noted that even though attention had been drawn to me, my feet really wanted to stay with the extra pressure of being on tiptoe. I was anxious. 

Later in the day my body has led me to playing the piano, reading, painting, and rolling on the floor. I've noticed it hasn't wanted to do any of them for very long, whereas often it will stay with one occupation all morning or afternoon. It's feeling unsettled, which makes a lot of sense given the amount of changes and unpredictability and stressful situations coming up in the next week. Each activity has helped a little in the moment, but I don't settle to anything. Now it has sent me blogging, instructing me to delay the supermarket trip (it felt a supermarket meltdown coming on - I wonder whether it will after I've done this). It's trying to help me out - sometimes my body knows better than my brain. 

Yesterday it popped me in the nook for most of the day which was quite appropriate but clearly today is different. The anxiety is mounting and so the body is looking for the best way to stay regulated. Let's see what it brings me to over the next few days!

I didn't have a supermarket meltdown. I took my time, used my familiar soundtrack and navigated the shop without drama. I have enough experience by now to know that my body usually guides me soundly. Now maybe I should listen to its guidance on emotions too... I reject them but then they just escape or leak out uninvited - tears in that restorative yoga pose, dreams about having meltdowns, they're all messages telling me something needs attention.

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