Tuesday 21 December 2021


I am happier than I have ever been.

Please don't misunderstand me. I am frequently exhausted, often irritable or grumpy, regularly overwhelmed and plenty of times just going through the motions. Our life is most definitely not Instagram-perfect even though I post some lovely stuff on social media (I don't even have Instagram - or TikTok or WhatsApp or whatever it is that the kool kidz have these days. I was firmly Generation Facebook and there I remain despite its problems, because one kind of social media is enough for me, that's what I'm used to and that's where my friends are. But anyway, I digress.).

But the fact remains that I am happier than ever. I feel as though I understand what "happy" is now. The deep joy that floods me so many times a day is inexpressible. I am constantly marvelling at this miracle of a tiny (or not so tiny...) being that grew in my tummy from almost nothing. My insides want to explode when he smiles and giggles or sucks his little fisty and snuggles his blanket, because I don't have words for how wonderful and amazing it is.

Five months in and the novelty hasn't worn off yet ;) 

I am beyond grateful for everything we have been given.

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