Monday 25 May 2020

What I'm doing to cope

I thought all this talk of sadness might be bringing you down, so I've decided to give you a peek at some of the many and varied strategies that are making life better and keeping me going!

Small, manageable projects, some of which are wonderful to share, others of which are most useful alone.

Creating my sensory cave - this one is a double whammy because as well as a project to do, it is already benefiting me enormously, and more than I dared to imagine, as a low stimulus space where I can be alone, in control and recharge.

Gardening with Mr Peggy - this is so much fun, and something we've discovered we love to do together. I've always wistfully thought I'd love to garden, but usually I just kill stuff! We're trying some flowers and fruits so watch this space! And in amongst them are some really meaningful plants for me, given to me by various people who I'm missing a lot. It helps to grow these plants and think of them.

Treasure basket - of favourite sensory items I've collected from meaningful places and perfect little bits given to me by new friends which mean the world. I can tell you the story of each piece.

Walks in the countryside - especially when I'm on the phone, I wander aimlessly out of the village and see where I end up! Good job I have a good nose for getting home again! Being outside really helps me to regulate my body and emotions and to be calm and process. Exploring with Mr Peggy has been great fun and exciting and just a lovely way to spend time.


Guinea pigs - always a sensory delight, good fun and cute!

Yoga - a constant that has stayed with me from my time in hospital and one benefit of the lockdown! My weekly Zoom yoga class with the wonderful Hania Therapies. Amy has also been giving a daily 15 minute live yin session throughout May - perfect!

Wordscapes - the one and only game app I have on my phone, but a really useful distraction I've brought back from my time away from home to keep me going in difficult moments. Sporcle is also good for this if the laptop is to hand.

Family and friends - I can't count the number of well-timed messages I've had that have helped me through difficult moments, knowing that I can send a message to Mr Peggy, a Peggy sister or a Geordie Peggy any time and they'll have my back.

Blogging - writing really helps m discover and process what I'm thinking and feeling. As I always say, I do this more for me than for any of you!

And of course, a bit of at-home therapy, cracking out the CBT, DBT etc etc!

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