Friday 13 July 2018

Bodies are strange!

A strange thing happened to me last night, and it's very sensory/proprioception/JABADAO! related. I thought I would share just for fun!

I prepared for bed as usual (or as usual for nights when I'm on my own at home anyway) last night, and settled down to sleep in preparation for another day at work. I am generally one of those very lucky people who has no trouble with sleep (other than stopping it!), but I had had a lie-in that morning and was (as usual) anxious about the following day so sleep evaded me.

I'm fairly patient and enjoy being cosy in bed so happily waited for half an hour. Wasn't feeling any more sleepy. Not overly concerned due to the lie-in, but beginning to worry how I will ever drag myself out of bed in the morning and manage on little sleep. Thoughts still flying round Brian. Picked up phone or book and read for half an hour. Thought should try again or the next day would definitely be a write-off. No Mr Peggy so lots of letting my body try different positions it felt comfortable in. No luck. Felt a strange urge to be in a kind of upside-down, rolling-over kind of position. Ignored it because a) too much effort to move that much, b) that would definitely wake me up more not send me to sleep! Body was persistent in wanting that particular movement so eventually I gave in, having nothing to lose by now! Good job nobody there to see! Stayed there for a good while because that's what body wanted. And weirdly noticed body winding down, slowing down and moving towards sleepy. Eventually it led to a more laid-down version, still a position in which I would NEVER expect to fall asleep (I usually only fall asleep in one or two positions), where I actually dozed off! Woke up a bit and transferred to pillow, and hey presto; great night's sleep. Weird.

Basically one of these! Magic sleep position. Who knew?!

And who knew I would find a picture similar enough that I don't have to keep trying to take one,
because it turns out it's actually quite a task on your own...

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