Today I'm not going to apologise for the long gap between posts. I write this blog for me, not for you (no offence!), and I didn't have anything that wanted to be written. Life has taken on a new temporary normal for the last few months and I have been doing other things with my time and my words, but the blog itch has lately returned and I find myself sitting down now to satisfy it.
Spring has sprung, and it feels incongruous. I have lived in hospital now for over five months. I left home in the summer and when I emerged from the general hospital it was autumn. I watched autumn turn to winter, grateful for the circumstances that let me daily observe the gradual progress of time. Now spring has sprung, it's quite literally all baby bunnies and daffodils outside, and I don't know quite what to make of it.
Just when my life is set to be expanding once again, it is reined in. I am again drawn back to the birds, the trees and the solace that the Quakers built here. The paring back, the simplifying of life, brings relief in amongst the fear and unpredictability. It's a little incongruous: my fear about the future intensifies as I realise how little practice I will get before I'm plunged back into life, and the uncertainty surrounding what will happen in the coming months is almost intolerable. Yet when I pause and look at right here, right now, I have been gifted simplicity. There are few choices in this moment; the choice is in what I do with the situation. I can't change it, but I can make the most of it. I can accept the period of rest even if I feel I shouldn't need it or if I worry that I won't be able to cope in the future. Right now there is the option to invest in this moment and nourish myself with sunshine, birdsong, time curled up in bed with my sensory lights on, messages to friends and family and as much or as little connection with the outside world over media as I feel is right.